Wednesday 1 August 2012

Sorry, Conspiracy Theorists, The Moon Landings Were Legit

Question: did we really put men on the moon? Answer: Yes, yes we did.

Ever since we first put a man on the moon, some people have spent a lot of time trying to claim that we didn’t.

Likely first initiated by Bill Kaysing, a NASA librarian who wrote the book ‘We Never Went to the Moon’, the moon landing hoax movement is still prevalent to this day;[1] as late as 2001 Fox TV (a wonderful, reliable and totally unbiased source of news, information and opinion) was broadcasting documentaries entitled Conspiracy Theory: Did We Really Land on the Moon?[2]

Verification of these landings that are conclusive enough to satisfy most people has been notoriously difficult; in 2009 there was “tantalizing evidence the flags from Apollo 17 was still standing, but the images were just barely too fuzzy to know for sure”.[3] A frustrating experience for everyone involved but fear not, because just three years later we might finally have some verification.

Just a few days ago the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera captured the pictures shown below:

Turns out the landing site of Apollo 16 is still very much still there; even the footprints and the flag.

Some pretty impressive stuff, all in all, and some very solid evidence to show that we did indeed make it to the moon.



  1. Just discovered this blog via Deity Schmeity. Keep it up!

    And speaking of conspiracy theories, James Holmes was a super soldier crafted by nefarious government mad scientists:

    1. Cheers for the kind words.

      I kind of thought there'd be some crazy theories floating around about the shootings in Aurora, but that one's... pretty out there.

  2. I sometimes wonder about the possibility that the first landing was faked (to discourage the Russians by making them think we already "won the race") to buy more time for the real one. That's not really out there. It's just the sort of thing our government would do.

    1. It's still a theory that gives the US government way more credit (not that the British government is any better, mind); they couldn't stop Watergate, so managing to con the entire globe into thinking they'd already pulled the moon-landings seems unlikely.

      That said, it makes more sense as a theory than some of shit peddled this days.
